by Geeq
Apr 15, 2024

What happens when nodes deviate from Geeq’s protocol?

The bottom line: As long as you use a user client (a software application like an email client), you are still protected.

by Geeq
Mar 16, 2024

Geeq’s Durable Proofs. Don’t trust. Verify.

Simplicity at work. Geeq’s proofs are immediate, irrefutable, lasting, and stateless. All data are available on-chain.

by Geeq
Dec 20, 2023

NFT Mint Account

A standard account type with the authority to issue or create unique tokenized assets.

by Geeq
Nov 3, 2023

Maximal blockchain security at Geeq

Geeq has re-invented blockchain technology to include 6 layers of security. The result?

All signal, no noise. These are the ingredients of Geeq’s secret sauce. For technical readers only.

by Geeq
Jun 5, 2023

May 2023 Tech Round-Up

In May’s update, we highlight and explain the completed work on Geeq’s network communications and messages. These fundamentals scale.

by Geeq
Nov 17, 2022

How Geeq dApps settle every transaction on-chain

Geeq introduces its proprietary scaling solution for decentralized applications (dApps). It’s simple, obvious, and only possible because we’ve re-constructed blockchain technology from the ground up.